*If your child is not at school, for whatever reason, please click on your child’s class below and fill in the form:
Naíonáin Bheaga/Junior Infants M.Sionainn
Naíonáin Mhóra/ Senior Infants M.Orla M.Jenny
Rang 1/ Múinteoir Hannah/Maria
Isolation quick guide for under 13s
Isolation quick guide for adults and children 13+
If your child has any of the symptoms listed in the image below, do not send them to school and contact your GP
****Information regarding return to school in languages other than Gaeilge or English
****Information regarding Covid 19 Vaccine for children
Nua/New 1/12/21
Maisc/ Masks Rang 3 -Rang 6
Following the announcement on mask-wearing by Government on Tuesday, November 30th, the following documents were sent to schools. Please read them carefully.
Treoirlínte maidir le clúdaigh aghaidhe
Guidance on the use of face masks
Postaer -conas clúdaigh aghaidhe a chaitheamh
Poster – how to wear face masks correctly
Antigen Testing Please read the updated guidance with regard to antigen tests from the Department of Education as Gaeilge or in English by clicking the links.
Ag Filleadh ar Ghaelscoil Dhún Dealgan, Lúnasa 2021
Back to school advice for parents and children
Below are guidance and videos created by the Department of Education with some back to school advice for parents and children attending primary school. You are encouraged to watch these videos with your child before they return to school.
*If your child has symptoms of Covid 19
It is really important that we all follow the advice of the HSE If one of the following is true, do not send your child to school and ring your GP for advice.
In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 it is important to know and recognise the symptoms of coronavirus (which includes the DELTA variant). They are:
Common symptoms of coronavirus include:
· a fever (high temperature – 38 degrees Celsius or above).
· a new cough – this can be any kind of cough, not just dry.
· shortness of breath or breathing difficulties.
· loss or change in your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
· Fatigue
· Aches and Pains
Other uncommon symptoms of coronavirus include:
· sore throat
· headaches
· runny or stuffy noses
· feeling sick or vomiting
· diarrhoea
Symptoms may be subject to change so regular review of the HSE Website is advised.
You will need to:
- Isolate your child from other people – this means keeping them at home and completely avoiding contact with other people, as much as possible. Read advice on self-isolation
- Treat your child at home for their symptoms.
Your child should only leave your home to have a test or to see your GP.
If your child is isolated during school as he/she is displaying Covid 19 symptoms, you will be given a form which must be filled and a screen-shot of it sent to M.Maria on (087)1706488
*Response Plan for the safe re-opening of Schools- updated August 2021
Gaelscoil Dhún Dealgan – Risk Assessment Document Covid 19
Gaelscoil Dhún Dealgan – Measúnaithe Riosca (Covid 19)
Covid 19: Ráiteas Polasaí/ Policy Document